Navigating and Selecting Graph Data

GraphXR provides the capability to explore, select, and group data efficiently in the project graph space.

To navigate the graph on the desktop you can:

  • Use mouse and/or keyboard shortcuts to pan, rotate, and zoom in and out of the view.

  • Use Center To and Fly Out icons on the context toolbar to reposition your view of the graph.

  • Use full-text keyword search on properties of the graph data to locate, select, and fly to an individual node.

  • Open and search a Table, fly to a node or edge, and select search results.

To select data in the graph space you can use:

  • Mouse and/or keyboard shortcuts to select nodes or groups of nodes, and to add or subtract from your selection.

  • Select Visible (Ctrl +A) to select all currently visible nodes in the project space.

  • List items in the Legend to select all nodes of any category or tag, or any listed property value, or to select all the edges of a relationship.

  • Trace Neighbor to highlight all the nodes within a specified number of connections to a selected node. Once highlighted, you can use Select Visible (Ctrl +A) to select the traced nodes.

  • Inverse to select all the nodes not in the current selection (Ctrl + R).

  • Hide data temporarily:

    • Hide Selection hides selected nodes temporarily, and Un-Hide Selection restores hidden nodes.

    • Deselect the Visible checkbox for a category or relationship to temporarily hide nodes of a category, or edges of a relationship.

    • Select the Exclude checkbox for any property of a category or relationship to temporarily exclude it from display in tables or the information panel.

  • The Filter panel to filter data by any numerical property, including Date and Time, using multiple composable filters. Filter animation enables dynamic display of connected patterns.

  • Find Path on the right-click menu to find a path between two selected nodes.

To group selected data in the graph space you can use:

  • ref:./tag-nodes.adoc[Tag] to save and label any selection of nodes.

  • Collect Nodes (and Explode Collections) icons to collect nodes with few (or no) connections to selected nodes and place them in special temporary collection nodes.

  • An Enhanced Table to select, edit, and export selected data.