GraphXR User Guide GraphXR is a browser-based visualization application that brings speed and flexibility to visualizing complex and hidden connections in data. The GraphXR Platform With GraphXR you can: Seamlessly import graph data from a graph database or other source (Neo4j via Cypher, RDBMS via SQL, CSV, JSON, Azure DB via Gremlin, etc.). Navigate, select, and edit data efficiently in the graph environment. Model and transform data dynamically using data mapping and a powerful suite of data transforms. Explore graph connections through widely used graph algorithms such as PageRank and Shortest Path. Visualize the graph through layouts, geospatial mapping, and time series display. Save and share a project’s data and views. Supported Environments WINDOWS, MAC OSX, AND LINUX CLOUD, PRIVATE CLOUD, AND ON-PREMISES DATA HOSTING. OCULUS RIFT, HTC VIVE, AND WINDOWS MIXED REALITY. The GraphXR client includes beta support for Virtual Reality (VR) hardware in the Google Chrome browser via WebXR. The GraphXR client runs best in Google Chrome. Compatibility with other browsers may vary.