Logging In and Out of GraphXR

To use GraphXR, you’ll need to create a user account, and then log in.

Create a GraphXR User Account

  • For GraphXR Cloud, go to GraphXR Login to create an account.

  • For GraphXR Enterprise, contact your system administrator for login credentials.

To create a user account:

  1. In your Chrome browser, visit the GraphXR Login page and click SIGN UP.

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  2. In the sign-up form, enter the information required to create your user account.

    • Your Email. You’ll use this to log in.

    • A Password.

    • The password again, in Confirm Password.

    • Your First Name and Last Name.

    • Your City.

    • Click the Terms of Use checkbox.

  3. Click Sign Up.

    A message indicates that your account was successfully created (or flags errors you must fix).

Log In to GraphXR

Once you have registered as a user, you can log in.

To log in to GraphXR:

  1. In your Chrome browser, visit the GraphXR Login page.

  2. Enter your user name (i.e. the Email used to create the account) and your Password and click LOGIN.


    Upon successful login, the GraphXR Projects page displays.

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Log Out of GraphXR

To log out of GraphXR:

  • In the Projects page, select Log Out from the user menu on the top right.

You can also log out from a project graph space using the Logout icon on the lower left.