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11. Editing

In this Session…

Before you begin…

  • Adding nodes and edges.

  • Editing properties of nodes or edges.

  • Using an Enhanced Table to edit and export data.

Download starting data:



How To GraphXR 11. Editing


Before You Begin…

Ideally, you’ll have worked through Module 10. Algorithms. If you’re starting here, and you want to follow along, you’ll need to:

  • Log in to GraphXR , create a Project, and open its graph space.

  • Download starting data (HowTo_11_START.graphxr and the starting snapshot library HowTo_11_START.graphxrsnapshots) for this module and drag and drop it onto the graph space.  

  • Optionally, download the file, which contains the Game of Thrones data we’re using in our tutorials.


At any time, we can use toolbar icons or the right-click menu to create nodes or edges, edit our graph data, or delete a selection.


Let’s add some data. Add Node lets us add just one new node at a time, along with its properties and their values. Add Edge lets us connect two sets of selected nodes.


Click Add Node in the toolbar or right-click menu, and select House in the dropdown menu to add a House node.


Enter a new houseName property. (Notice that we could create an entirely new category and/or add new properties). Click Create.


To locate the new node you can click the Fly Out icon. Or select all House nodes in the legend and use a Quick Layout to reposition them, e.g. in a line or grid.


Now we’ll add BELONGS_TO edges connecting a few source Characters nodes to the target House node we just created.


Select the Characters nodes and click Add Edge in the toolbar or right-click menu. 


The Add Edge dialog opens with the selected nodes listed as Source Nodes. You can add or subtract nodes and click As Source to update the selection.


Choose the existing BELONGS_TO relationship from the menu. Note that you have the option of creating a new relationship. 
Now click the new House node and click As Target to add it to Target Nodes.


You can click Switch to reverse the direction of the relationship. And you can enter property names if desired. We don’t need to do either one.
Now click Create to see your new edges.


The selected Characters nodes are now connected through the new BELONGS_TO edges to the House node we created.


We can edit our graph data directly using a table. First though, take a snapshot. Now open the Table panel then click Enhanced Table.


In an Enhanced Table we can edit, add, or remove graph data. Changes take effect immediately in the graph. Click any Category or Relationship bubble to edit its label.


Click the property menu to select properties to display in the table. Click the x on a property label to hide it.


Click the settings icon next to a property name to Rename, set a data Type, Hide, or Delete a property.


Any property value can be edited. 
The change takes effect immediately in the graph.


You can mark nodes for live selection in the graph. To see this, click the airplane icon at the top right to display the enhanced table in a separate browser window.


Click the square at the far left to select rows, then click More Actions and Mark Selected in Graph. The data is selected in the graph, and displayed in the basic table.


Click More Actions and Delete Selected from Graph to delete selected nodes or edges from the graph (and the table).


At any time, you can click More Actions and Export Selected as CSV or Export Selected as Excel to export all or part of the data as a CSV file (or Excel file).
Now dismiss the Enhanced Table window to return to the graph.


You can delete selected nodes and edges at any time. Deleting an edge simply removes it, leaving the nodes it was connected to. When you delete a node, its connected edges are also deleted.


Select the House noded we created and use your keyboard delete key, or click the Delete toolbar icon, or choose Delete on the right-click menu. The House node and the BELONGS_TO edges we connected to it are now deleted.


Now save our work. Download the snapshot archive, and save a GXRF file or view.
Next, in Module 12. Geospatial Mapping, we’ll work with displaying geo-located data on a world map.

Next Steps…

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